
Alpenhotel Speckbacherhof GmbH

Gnadenwald 2
6069 Gnadenwald

Tel.: +43(0) 5223 52511-0
UID: ATU63370523

FG Hotellerie (guesthouses with accommodation from 9 guest beds)

General information

This page presents the range of services offered by Alpenhotel Speckbacherhof GmbH. You will find information on the type and manner of services offered, as well as contact information.

Terms of use, warranty, liability

Alpenhotel Speckbacherhof GmbH is the owner of this website. The website serves to provide information about its company. Further use and reproduction of the contents is not permitted.

This website has been compiled with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the correctness of the information contained and exclude any liability for damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of this website.

Links to other Internet pages represent recommendations on our part. Despite careful control it can happen that the referenced contents change without our knowledge, therefore we assume no liability for the contents of external links. As soon as we become aware of the changed content, it will be removed immediately.

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We are not liable for force majeure, strikes, restrictions of the services of other network operators as well as repair and maintenance work and the associated restrictions or interruptions of this service.

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All contents on this website are protected by copyright. Texts, images, graphics, sound, animations and videos are protected by copyright and other protective laws. The content may not be copied, distributed, changed or made accessible to third parties for commercial purposes. Any use, in particular the storage in databases, duplication, distribution, processing and any form of commercial use as well as the passing on to third parties – also in parts or in revised form – without the consent of the operator or the author – is prohibited.

Photos & Graphics:

Photo activities in and around the hotel – MTB: (c) lettas –

Photo activities in and around the hotel – Langlauf: (c) ARochau –

Photo activities in and around the hotel – Tennis: (c) motortion –

Photo activities in and around the hotel – E-Bike: (c) ARochau –

Photo activities in and around the hotel – Skifahren: (c) Jonas Glaubitz –

Photo activities in and around the hotel – Winterwandern: (c) Maridav –

Photo activities in and around the hotel – Nordic Walking: (c) ladysuzi –

Photo outline hotel room: (c) radub85 –